Western Hills Municipal Golf Course
2160 Russellville Rd. Hopkinsville KY. 42240
270-885-6023 westernhillsmgc@hotmail.com
2025 Membership
Green Fee Plans
Single | $950.00 |
Senior | $820.00 |
Student | $320.00 |
Family | $1430.00 |
Senior Family | $1220.00 |
Young Family | $1220.00 |
Active Military | $600.00 |
Rental Cart Plans
Single | $660.38 |
Family | $801.89 |
Private Cart Plans
Trail / Rider Fee (Per Golfer) | $175.00 |
Cart Storage
Gas Cart | $325.00 |
Electric Cart | $375.00 |
All Fee are plus Tax
Practice Range Plans
(all Green Fee Plans include the practice Range)
Single | $225.00 |
Family | $375.00 |
Please Circle Chosen Plans
All Green Fee Plans paid in full are entitled to a 10% discount on Golf Shop Merchandise.
Memberships are for one year. Partial or seasonal memberships are available to non-residents of Kentucky. Annual payments are due by the 1st day of the month of annual renewal. All payments will be considered late after the 5th day of the month and a $25.00 late fee will be charged. If balance is not paid in full by the 5th day of the final payment month, the membership will be suspended until the outstanding balance has been paid in full. No new membership will be granted to person(s) with a past outstanding balance. Western Hills MGC reserves the right to refuse membership.
- Senior = 62 and above
- Student = Under 26, living at home and enrolled in school full time.
- Family = Immediate family members living at home, currently under 26 and in enrolled in school full time.
- Young Family = Under 35
- Rental Cart Plan = Entitles the plan holder(s) to ride/drive in a rental cart while playing golf. The plans do not entitle each plan holder(s) in a group to an individual cart. When possible you must share a cart.
- Trail/Rider Fee Private Cart Plan = Each plan holder is entitled to ride/drive in a private cart. When using a rental cart, the standard rental cart fee must be paid. Rates for 2020 are $6.00 for 9 holes and $10.00 for 18 holes per player.
- Trail/Rider Fee = Trail/Rider fees are paid by anyone riding in a private cart that do not have a Private Cart Trail/ Fee Plan. Rates for 2021 are $6.00 per player per day.